GeekyArtistWoman - Lubzi

The juice of my heart

I call myself LubziI am from Palestine. I live there too
I am a blend of cultures, a salad of sounds, colors & words. I like to create. I love learning. I aspire to inspire. seek freedom, harmony, peace and justice. I like to be a bridge between hearts and mindsbetween people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Here you'll find my theatre sound designs, audio art pieces, some of my writings and sketches & all kinds of crazy mixes and audio experiments that I do.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Till Your Ears Bleed - My 2010 Welcome theme


I made this  piece in san francisco in year 2000.
in year 2001 my 'industry' (I.T)  'crashed' .. my company went under . i lost my job on my birthday in june 2001.
paradise lost .. the dream of freedom and dignity slipped again from my fingers .. that freedom i was only able to feel in the United States of America.
I am serious. I felt a connection with the land and the people. I felt i am able to belong , and belong and belong. I was able to live my different identities . i was able to be an Arab , an artist , a woman, a geek , a Canadian even , I was able to be a better Canadian in the USA. I was able to wear my  Palestinian Koufiyeh and my Jordanian shmagh without fear.. I was able to get involved and express myself as a citizen even though i wasnt even a US citizen! True I was living in a very special place , California is a special place. I was involved in politics without fear. I love that place!
i had to leave. jobs were scarce after the hi-tech bubble burst .. and after 911 there was no chance on earth for me to get a job .. an Arab and not even an american , arab looking and with an accent .. not the perfect age or gender or skin color either .. no way.. i tried very hard..  but way
i couldnt afford it ... i realized my generous severance package will run out soon if i dont do something ...
so much soul searching..
so much .. day and night
battling with my fear
barely any support
i came up with the decision to go back to Canada! after all i am a Canadian citizen , this is my country too.. it is my country in a different and special way .. a country of choice. I jumped through hoops and loops to make it my country . I studied and passed. I went through rigorous examinations and had to live in freezing cold for years to earn my Canadian citizenship.
i was drawn to Canada because of the reputation it has, the values it preaches . not because i was starving in my country. I thought it was a place where people have dignity and freedom and equality. and everyone has the same opportunity and respect. I wanted to live in canada because i wanted to live in a democracy and in peace and have opportunities and be able to help others in the world. That is why I chose Canada to be my new country.
Living in the east wasnt bad. The culture in Montreal is awesome . there is racism but at least there is culture and passion and good food. but the weather is very cold!   it's just frigging cold ! so so so cold ! no one can comprehend the intensity of this cold except people who live in it.
the gas used to freeze in my car . i once cried from the cold. i made the mistake of taking off my mitten to try and open my car door , the lock was frozen , the exposure of my hand without the mitten for a few minutes made me cry , i felt my fingers will fall off ! it was so painful!
no way would i go back! so cold!
i decided to go back to school to become a film director !
i decided to move to Vancouver. and i didnt know anything about Vancouver. just that it's the closest biggest Canadian city, never been there and met maybe only 3 or 4 people from there in all the years i lived in Canada!
I drove up all the way to vancouver. I slept in the car at night  and drove during the light.
I had a dream long before this happened. It was strange because I dont know much about vancouver, I never think of vancouver. It was sometime in  2000/2001 I was working in silicon valley totally enjoying the sun and the freedom and the opportunitues..
i had a dream one day , in my sleep; I dreamt i was in Vancouver , and there was an earthquake ..
i was alone .. and the earth was shaking .. but a voice inside me was telling me not to be afraid .. i was ducking  under a small construction that looked like a box made out of concrete and i was feeling safe and that everything will just be allright!
this song was my canada re-entry theme. i drove up all the way to Vancouver.. it was fall time and the colors of the leaves was fascinating .. on my way i found a safari zoo , and then a bird sanctuary .. i stopped and visited ! i felt free and in bliss.
l never ended up living in vancouver or  going back to school.
my life took turns like i had never expected..
i discovered that the east is not like the west . the frost of the cold is mercy compared to the cold fire of the racism.
what a hard decade ! I call it my British Columbia decade!
the hardest in my life but fantastically transforming!
I thank Canada , I love Canada , and I am a proud Canadian , still inspired by the canadian values of human rights and freedom and protection of the environment and animals and caring and helping other people of the world.. etc..  which are unfortunately being stepped on by our government while canadians watch silently!

so there you go , that is the story of this music
Goodbye 2000-2009
2010 !
may it  be  THE year where the deepest human aspiration of peace and fulfillment of basic need becomes reality

Monday, December 28, 2009

Where are the horses? وين الخيل

سألت الطير ياخدلك رسالة
I asked the bird to deliver a message to you
تشرح لوعتي وشوق الليالي
That explains my burning and my longing nights
وانا قاللي الطير
and the bird said to me
ما يقدر جناحي
My wings cannot
على حمل الحنين
carry all the longing
اللي بالرسالة
in this message
وين الخيل
where are the horses?
تشق الليل
to break the silence of night
تاخدني ديار الغالي
and take me to the lands of the loved one
عالفرقة ما عادلي حيل
i cant handle being away anymore
حالي بيشفق على حالي
my self feels sorry for myself
مش قادر اصبر
i cant be patient
and from where
صبر بلاقي
can I find patience
guide me

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

3 Racism Mixes

This is how I express my outrage at racism that I am constantly exposed to, me and many many others in this world.

Here is my Racism Tune Pack

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I am addicted to حمص (Hummus)

TITLE: I am addicted to حمص
DATE: 11/14/2006 20:00:28

I am addicted to  Hummus حمص

I cant stop eating Hummus
عن جد... مش قادرة اوقف أكل حمص   ... بحبه بحبه
بموت في ربه


شكرا يا رب على الحمص

Thank you God for the Hummus

 with olive oil زاكي مع زيت الزيتون

 and salt and lebon وملح ولمون

 and hot pita وكماج سخن

  and summak and cummin
وسماق وكمون
  and a fresh tomato وحبة بندورة


 and some olives مع شوية زتون

 God bless the Hummus يسعد رب الحمص

My feet are planted in the ground ...

But I want my head to be in the stars at the same time. to relax to the fact that things are taken care of, what will happen will happen and things are where they are and that is how it is . maybe there is a deeper meaning for things and maybe there isn't. But fighting what will happen doesnt make sense. it will not prevent it. and yes we do our best so that the outcome is favorable to us, but we can never control the outcome , just influence it , maybe - slightly. OR do we create reality with our thoughts? or prayers? I don't know . One thing I know is that if i am supposed to loose my job or home or money etc... it will happen, and just like a tree or a fish is taken care of I will be taken care of. history has proved it.
What makes my heart beat and my lungs breathe will keep me alive just as t happened before, lifts me from the lowest of the lowest to a place I never thought I will be in. I sometimes think that the collective thoughts of the people around us and who think of us in addition to our own thoughts is what creates our reality, or more accurately co-create our reality along with the mystery of God ... the universe ... what beats my heart and makes my lungs breathe and my eyes see...
so if you are surrounded by racists for example , and they all lay a negative discourse on you, say you are living in the heart of the most racist town and you are the only aboriginal person , all the people around you are projecting on you . they are dressing you with a particular discourse: the looser, the drunk , the lazy one.. etc... they treat you as such , you start believing them , if you believe in something but 1000 people around you tell you that you are wrong you start doubting yourself. They are creating your reality and you are playing along if you dont stand firm with your feet planted in the ground.
so there is a big story, everyone is part of writing it, if we dont pay attention who is writing our story , it will not be written like we want , we end up living someone else's dreams not yourself, lost , miserable, weak, self resentful etc...

BUT, what is the line between self deception and standing your ground, being egotistic and refusing to change or see yourself vs allowing others to write your story.. sometimes - actually more often than not, these things mix up in my mind . Once i let it go all the way and .. I paid a very high price. so I will never allow anyone to write my story no matter what.  I wont let it happen. Whatever we think we will attract - they say. So we shouldnt focus our energy on the negative and be very aware of the dangerous consequences.

الغصة كبيرة... بس الأمل أكبر
مش راح أسمح لحدا يهدني... يكسر نفسي أو عزيمتي

My inner Cat Blog

i know .. that sounds very geeky and weird. but my inner cat has a blog! Is it weird that I have an inner cat , or that a cat has a blog? or both?

you know how cats are, they like attention.
i had to post this for her ..


لا تسألوني Dont ask me ما اسمه حبيبي what the name of my beloved is -فيروز Fairuz

لا تسألوني
Dont ask me
ما اسمه حبيبي
what my beloved's name is
اخشى عليكم
I worry about you
ضوعة الطيوب
from the fragrances that will fill the air
I swear
لو بحت بأي حرف
If I mention one word
تكدس الليلك في الدروب
The lailacs will fill the roads

لا تسألوني
Don't ask me
ما اسمه
What is his name
My beloved

ترونه في ضحكة السواقي
You see him in the laughter of the streams
في رفة الفراشة اللعوب
and in the fluttering of the playful butterfly
في البحر في تنفس المراعي
In the ocean , in the breath of the meadows
وفي غناء كل عندليب
and in the snging of every nightingale

في ادمع الشتاء حين يبكي
In the tears of winter when it cries
وفي عطاء الديمة السكوب
and it the generosity of the black cloud
that is pregnant with rain
محاسن لا ضمها كتاب
 Beauty that wasnt written in a book
ولا ادعتها ريشة الأديب
or claimed by the pen of a writer

لا تسألوني ما اسمه
 Dont ask me what his name is
 enough ..stop
فلن أبوح باسمه
I will not tell you his name
My beloved..

لا تسألوني
Dont ask me
ما اسمه حبيبي
what the name of my beloved is
اخشى عليكم
I worry about you
ضوعة الطيوب
from the fragrances that will fill the air
I swear

لو بحت بأي حرف
If I mention one word

تكدس الليلك في الدروب
The lailacs will fill the roads

لا تسألوني
Don't ask me
ما اسمه
What is his name
My beloved

Saturday, December 5, 2009

- A woman's dairy - by Nizar Qabbani - يوميات إمرأة

Nizar Qabbani was called the poet of women because he often puts himself in her shoes and writes from a woman's perspective. This is a part of one of his poems that he wrote from a woman perspective.

Why in our city
لماذا في مدينتنا ؟
Love is fake and smuggled?
نعيش الحب تهريباً وتزويراً ؟
We steel from the cracks of the door
a meeting
ونسرق من شقوق الباب موعدنا
exchange letters
ونستعطي الرسائل
and go on dates
Why in our city
لماذا في مدينتنا ؟
They kill birds and emotions?
يصيدون العواطف والعصافيرا
Why are we tin foil?
لماذا نحن قصديرا ؟
what good is a person
وما يبقى من الإنسان
when he becomes tin foil?
حين يصير قصديرا ؟
why are we duplicitous?
لماذا نحن مزدوجون
Feelings and thoughts
إحساسا وتفكيرا ؟
Why are we earthly?
لماذا نحن ارضيون ..
Low , afraid of the sun and the light?
تحتيون .. نخشى الشمس والنورا ؟
Why are people in our town
لماذا أهل بلدتنا ؟
torn by their contradiction
يمزقهم تناقضهم
In their Waking hours
ففي ساعات يقظتهم
They violate the braids and the skirts
يسبون الضفائر والتنانيرا
and when the night hides them in its folds
وحين الليل يطويهم
they ....(i'll check what he means here)
يضمون التصاويرا
I ask myself always
أسائل نفسي دائماً
Why wouldnt love in the world be
لماذا لا يكون الحب في الدنيا ؟
for all people?
لكل الناس
all people
كل الناس
like the rays of the dawn
مثل أشعة الفجر
why can it be like bread and wine
لماذا لا يكون الحب مثل الخبز والخمر ؟
like water in the river
ومثل الماء في النهر
like the clouds , and the rain
ومثل الغيم ، والأمطار ،
and the grass and the flowers
والأعشاب والزهر
isnt love for humans
أليس الحب للإنسان
like a life within a life?
عمراً داخل العمر ؟
why cant love in my country be
لماذا لايكون الحب في بلدي ؟
like lips meeting lips
كلقيا الثغر بالثغر
and flowing
like my hair flows on my back
كما شعري على ظهري
why cant people love with ease and softness?
لماذا لا يحب الناس في لين ويسر ؟
like the fish in the sea?
كما الأسماك في البحر
like the moons revolve in their orbits
كما الأقمار في أفلاكها تجري
why cant love in my country be
لماذا لا يكون الحب في بلدي
like a book of poerty
كديوان من الشعر
My breasts in my chest
انا نهدي في صدري
are like two birds
that died of heat
قد ماتا من الحر
like two oriental saints
كقديسين شرقيين متهمين بالكفر
accused of heresy
كم اضطهدا
How (so often) they were oppressed ...
وكم رقدا على الجمر
How they lied on the bright coal
وكم رفضا مصيرهما
how they refused their fate
وكم ثارا على القهر
how they revolted over injustice
وكم قطعا لجامهما
how they broke their leash
وكم هربا من القبر
and how they ran away from the grave
متى سيفك قيدهما
when will their chains be untied?
متى ؟
يا ليتني ادري
I wish i knew
نزلت إلى حديقتنا
I went to our garden
ازور ربيعها الراجع
to visit its beautiful spring
عجنت ترابها بيدي
i kneaded its dirt with my hands
حضنت حشيشها الطالع
I embraced its grass
رأيت شجيرة الدراق
I saw a little peach tree
تلبس ثوبها الفاقع
wearing her bright dress
رأيت الطير محتفلاً
I saw the bird celebrate
بعودة طيره الساج
the return of her lover
رأيت المقعد الخشبي
I saw the wooden chair
مثل الناسك الراجع
like the returning monk
سقطت عليه باكية
i collapsed on it .. crying
كأني مركب ضائع
like a lost boat
احتى الأرض ياربي ؟
Even the earth , oh God
تعبر عن مشاعرها
expresses her feelings
بشكل بارع ... بارع
in an amazing way..
احتى الأرض ياربي
even the earth,  oh God..
لها يوم .. تحب فيه ..
has a day ,
to fall in love
تبوح به ..
to express it
تضم حبيبها الراجع
to embrace her returning lover
وفوق العشب من حولي
and on the grass around me
لها سبب .. لها الدافع
she has a reason
she has a motivation
فليس الزنبق الفارع
neither the tall tulips
وليس الحقل ، ليس النحل
nor the fields
nor the bees
ليس الجدول النابع
not the bursting stream
have anything
سوى كلمات هذى الأرض ..
except the words of this earth
غير حديثها الرائع
I feel inside me a resurrection
أحس بداخلي بعثاً
that breaks my shell off of me
يمزق قشرتي عني
and drives me to run
ويدفعني لان أعدو
with the children in the street
مع الأطفال في الشارع
I want
I want
like any flower in the garden
كايه زهرة في الروض
she opens her teary eyelids
تفتح جفنها الدامع
like any bee in the garden
كايه نحله في الحقل
she gives her useful nectar
تمنح شهدها النافع
I want
I want to live
أريد أن أحيا
with every cell of me
بكل خليه مني
the pleasures of this life
مفاتن هذه الدنيا
its velvety wide night
بمخمل ليلها الواسع
an its biting cold winter
وبرد شتائها اللاذع
I want
I want to live
أريد أن أحيا
All the heat of reality
بكل حرارة الواقع
All the stupidity of reality
بكل حماقة الواقع
My brother's is back from the whore house
يعود أخي من الماخور ...
At dawn ... drunk
عند الفجر سكرانا ...
He returns,
like a Sultan
يعود .. كأنه السلطان ..
Who made him Sultan?
من سماه سلطانا ؟
and he stays in the eyes of the family
ويبقى في عيون الأهل
the most beautiful..
the most precious
أجملنا ... وأغلانا ..
and in his clothes of whoreness
ويبقى في ثياب العهر
he remains, the purest and the most virtuous
اطهرنا ... وأنقانا
My brother is back from the whore house
يعود أخي من الماخور
like a cock , in ecstasy
مثل الديك .. نشوانا
Praise whom created him from light
فسبحان الذي سواه من ضوء
and created us from cheap coal
ومن فحم رخيص نحن سوانا
and praise him who erases his sins
وسبحان الذي يمحو خطاياه
and does not erase ours
ولا يمحو خطايانا

Friday, December 4, 2009

Silent Night / Oumin

Beddi Haberkon / Nejmet Eid

Snow .. Snow and Jingle Bells

Fairuz Jingle Bells (in Arabic) فيروز ليلة عيد

ليلة عيد ليلة عيد الليلة ليلة عيد
زينة و ناس صوت جراس عم بترن بعيد
ليلة عيد ليلة عيد الليلة ليلة عيد
صوت ولاد تياب جداد و بكرا الحب جديد
عم يتلاقوا الأصحاب
بهديي خلف الباب
في سجرة بالدار
و يدوروا ولاد صغار
و السجرة صارت عيد
و العيد اسوارة بأيد
و الأيد تعلق عالسجرة
غنيي و عناقيد
يا مغارة كلا بيوت
تلمع متل الياقوت
كيف جبتي عالدار
تلج شرايط و قمار
مين اللي جاي بعيد
عم بيرش مواعيد
يدق بواب الناس و يمشي
و الخير علينا يزيد

Friday, November 6, 2009

By @DrRemy - Music set collaboration of: @sciencebase: David Bradley, @Lubzi & @Businari : Mauricio .

This post in copied entirely from Dj DocRemy - it was posted today , and she  is featuring my music  again :) !

I am super thankful to Dj DocRemy for her great show and for sharing with us the great talents of @sciencebase, David Bradley, and @Businari, Mauricio.
Featuring my Audio Art track : 'Abraham' Here is a link to Dj DocRemy's original post where you can check other very cool music. If you want to hear Abraham itself uncut , here it is :)

Braham - Lubzi*

Here is what Dj DocRemy  said on her blog:   

This music set is with collaboration of @sciencebase, David Bradley, @Lubzi and @Businari, Mauricio.
I opened the set with (@sciencebase) David’s Here Comes the Sun mixed with (@Businari) Businari’s Baal from Hi-Brazil Soundtrack from the epic book The Song of the Spheres, Vol.1, The Bard and the Queen Of Ice. (details of the Legend)
This represents sunrise on our planet earth, Gaia.

Next I mixed rectus limbus from Businari’s Hi-Brazil Let’s Do the Samba: (for details) as this represents the sunrise has now warmed our earth.

I picked Babak and transition to (@Lubzi) Lubzi’s Braham. This represents that we, as human race, have set up way of life that resonates our higher self. According to Lubzi’s Braham: is Braham Lincoln, as is also Abraham, the ‘father’ of the Jews and Arabs: The Wise Father as is Abraham Lincoln: The Government of the People.

I like the fact that Lubzi’s piece represents both the Arabs and the Jews as one, connecting by Abraham. It is wise of her to do so in this fashion of music and speech combined.
Again from David’s Sunrise to warm the earth by Businari’s pieces and closing with Lubzi’s Braham as Abraham to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address.

What talented friends I have. Thank you David, Mauricio and Lubzi….. You have honored me much!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

غيرة / فيروز

من روائع ونوادر السيدة فيروز


سْمِعِتْ الجيران بيقولوا ..
She heard the neighbours say
يمكن يكون عم يضحَكْ عليها
that he may be fooling her
وعينَكْ تشوف ..الليل بيطولو
you can see after that
the whole night
ما نشفت الدمعة .. بعينيها
the tears didnt dry
from hear eyes
بعدها بعمر الهوى زغيري
she is still very young in the age of love
وقلبها بالحبّ طفل زغير
and her heart is a little baby
مش عارفي في بالدّني غيرة
she doesnt know that in this world
there is jealousy
وحست بصدرا شي
وعم بيطير
and she felt something in her chest
that is flying
جربت تغفى عا دمعاتا ..
she tried to fall asleep with her tears
لا غفيت و لا عرفت الأحلام
she neither slept nor encountered the dreams
واتذكرِتْ حكيات رفقاتا ..
and she remembered her girlfriends
إنّو اللّي بيحبْ ... ما بينام !
saying that 'he who loves, doesnt sleep'
يا ريت فيها تحملَك وتروح
She wishes she can carry you and leave
عابلاد ما تقشَعْ حدا فيها
to a land where you can see no one 
وهَوْنِيْكْ شو بدّا بإشيا تبوح
and there , she has so many secrets she wants to reveal to you
وشو عندها حكايات تحكيها
and so many stories to tell
بدّا تقلَكْ : هّوْنْ خلّيني
she wants to tell you
leave me here
عايشي عالحبّ والألحان
living on love
and music
وحدّ قلبك هَيْكْ خبّيني
right next to your heart hide me
ويخبروا بنيّات هالجيران
and let the neighborhood girls talk all they want ...

I Believe - Fairuz and the Rahbani Brothers فيروز - أومن

اومن أن خلف الحبات الوادعات
I believe that behind the gentle seeds
تزهو جنات
lies flowering Heavens
اومن أن خلف الليل العاتي الأمواج
 I believe that behind the violent waves
of the night
A lantern rises
اومن أن القلب الملقى في الأحزان
I believe that the heart that is suffering in grief
يلقى الحنان ...
will find gentle love
كلي إيمان
I am full of faith
اومن أن خلف الريح الهوجاء شفاه
I believe that behind the reckless wind
there are lips
تتلو الصلاة
that say a prayer
اومن أن في صمت الكون المقفل
I believe that in the silence of the closed universe
من يصغي لي
someone is listening to me
أني إذ ترنو عيناي للسماء
and when my eyes look at the sky ,
تصفو الأضواء
 the lights get clear
تعلو الألحان ...
and the music rises
كلي إيمان
I am full of faith

 fairouz fairooz fairuz fayrooz fayrouz fayruz فيروز الرحبانى الأخوين رحبانى الرحبانية

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Empathy for Blending of Emotions: Discord, Resolve & Celebration. Lubzi's muic is featured on DocrRmy's #musicweeklycelebtation

This post in copied entirely from Dj DocRemy - it was posted on Saturday, October 3, 2009 , the weekend that she featured my music :) !

I am super thankful to Dj DocRemy for her great show and for featuring my Audio Art track : October 22.  Here is a link to Dj DocRemy's original post where you can check other very cool music and listen to October 22.
here is the Original October 22 piece uncut :

Oct 22 - Lubzi*

Here is what Dj DocRemy  said on her blog:   
"DjDrRemy - @Lubzi: Empathy for Blending on Discord-Resolve-and-Celebration by DjDocREMY

This #WeeklyMusicCelebration set is featuring our talented friend @Lubzi. I specifically name it: Empathy for Blending of Emotions: Discord, Resolve & Celebration. And the following is what @Lubzi explains about her music: 

“The track name is “Oct22”. In fact it is about September 11. I called it October 22 because in those days (2002) Arabs living in the west couldn’t even discuss 9/11 without receiving at least accusing looks. So I was being ironic on the terrorizing of Arab immigrants in the name of fighting terrorism. 
In the beginning, things are moving in a steady pace somewhat peaceful and then all of sudden the world blows up and all the crazy events that happened afterward were too overwhelming and surreal: that is how 911 went and what I am expressing in the track.I did not have specific goal in mind: Only let my emotions take the helm as I had a load of hard to handle feelings about 9/11 and I needed to wear my heart over my sleeve.My hope is that people would feel some of my feelings….” 

As for me, I picked this track of Lubzi’s (out of the 5 tracks she sent me) as somehow I resonate with the tune though I had no idea what the tune means – not until she tweeted me with the explanation.

On this set, I have added how I feel for her music as you may catch it at ~2:24 mins. then her track resumes at ~3.49 mins. I remix “Daft Punk” songs for two reasons: 
1) It is entirely electronic sound – This is to emphasize how technological science of music program allows us to produce music. 
2) It resonates how our humanity become stronger as a human race, faster in technology and outreach of communications which allows us to share and have more empathy as we try harder by the closing song which is a celebration to our spirit of Being - as One."

So Say We All ....

So Say We All ....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

تقول اهواك انا مانساك You say I love you I will not forget you - A song with a little scandal story

This song is an interesting song from the 80s, from Jordan. It was a very popular song during the mid/late eighties. Check out the headbands and women's hairdos.The music also reminds me of Cindy Lauper, early Madonna stuff, David Bowe, you know, pop music of the 80s, notice the base, the synth... so 80s . I loved this song , especially the part where she is walking with a bunch of her girlfriends friends wearing Bedouin clothes and 80s headbands and tights, so funny...

The band that sings this song is a Jordanian band called Mirage, was called Mirage, they  stopped singing unfortunately. They were a talented couple, a man and a woman , who are married. They got into a really bad scandal though, After which I heard they immigrated to Canada and left Jordan. So, this poor couple, who are married, it seems they enjoyed taping themselves having sex and watching themselves later, uhumm, so one day a thief came and stole their house and included in the stuff that was stolen was their VCR with guess whic tape in it?? Yes, you guessed right. Next the tape was all over the black market and with every pimple-faced teenager in Jordan and many arab countries ... the poor couple were shamed and destroyed. They had to run away to the land of the west..They say they immigrated to Canada.. masakeen..

Now isnt this is story?

I wonder what they are doing now.. I wonder if they are alive .. I hope they are .. I hope they are alive and making some very cool music ..
Cheers to Suheir and I forgot the name of her husband Sha-sha-a  (sha3sha3a)  سهير شعشاعة / فرقة الميراج الأردنية
Here are the lyrics translated by your truly for your pleasure.

تقول اهواك
 You say I love you
انا مانساك
 I will not forget you
وتروح وما نرجع
and you leave and never come back?
تقول انتي القمر
 you say you are (like) the moon
بليل السهر
 In the long night
مثل السحر فلّيت
 like magic you went away
وليلي طويل
 and my night is long
اسأل نجوم الليل
 I ask the stars of the night
ما تيجيب
 They dont answer
صمت الحجر قاسي
 silence of the stone is cruel
واقول اخطيت
 I say I did wrong
يمكن أكون اخطيت
maybe i did wrong
 or I forgot
وقليبي مش ناسي
but my heart is not forgetting
تقول اهواك انا مانساك
 you say I love you I will never for get you
وتروح وما ترجع
and you leave and never come back

يركض بينا العمر
 Time runs fast
شاب الشعر
 my hair is getting grey
بتمنى طلتك
 I wish for you show up
وابعث مرسال ورا مرسال
 I send to you
time after time
مادري تقول حسيت
 I wonder if you feel me
تقولي كلام
 you tell me words
احلى من الاحلام
that are sweeter than dreams
 and more beautiful
ويضيع معانيه
 and then all the meanings are lost
تغيب سنين
you disappear for years!
وسنين تغيب  وما تسأل
 and years you disappear
and you never ask
والعشق لمّا زال
 but in love , I still am
 being away from you
يا عمري طال
 has gone for too long
my precious
وصعب الحال
 My situation is hard
ما يهدا البال
my mind never eases
تقول اهواك
 you say I love you
انا مانساك
 I will never forget you
وتروح وما نرجع
 and you leave and you never come back?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Everything is ending... - Majda el Roumi - from Lebanon كل شي عم يخلص

كل شي عم يخلص
 Everything is ending...
الحب والاحلام
 The love and the dreams...
كل شي عم يخلص
 Everything is endning
الضجر والايام
 Boredom and time
الطريق عم يخلص
 The road is ending
ونحنا بالطريق
 and we are or the road
والضباب يغطي في الرصيف
 and the fog covers the sidewalk

خدني حبيبي عجّل خدني
Take me my beloved
Hurry up and take me
الدنيي عم بتغيب
 The world is disappearing
دخيلك خدني
 please take me
ماتضيعني في الليل الغريب
 dont lose me
in the stranger night

خدني حبيبي عجّل خدني
 Take me my beloved
Hurry up and take me
من قدام الباب 
 from in front of the door
خبيني فقلبك
 Hide me in your heart
لا تتركني وحدي بالضباب
 Dont leave me
alone in the fog

كل شي عم يخلص
 Everything is ending...
السهر والاعياد
 The parties and celebrations
والسفر عم ينده
 and travel calls
بمطارح بعاد
 to far away places
الخريف عم يخلص
 the fall is ending
ونحنا في الخريف
 and we are in the fall
والضباب يغطي في الرصيف
 and the fog is covering the sidewalk

كل شي عم يخلص
Everything is ending...
وجوه الاصحاب
 Friends faces,
 كل شي عم يخلص
Everything is ending...
ضحكات الاحباب
 The laughs of the beloved ones
والعيد رح يخلص
 and the holidays will be soon over
وانا بهالعيد
 and i am here in the holidays
وحدي يا حبيبي وانت بعيد
 Alone, my beloved
and you're so far ...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

يا محمد بويه محمد Mohammad, my precious Mohammad

ولك سال
They poured
ولك سال
and poured
لغيرك ما يسل دمعي ولك سال
for other than for you
my tears never pour
ولك سال
they poured
ولك سال

and poured
وعليك القلب ما تدري
Dont you know that
because of you

ولك سل
my heart withered
ولك سال
They poured
ولك سال
and poured

ولك سال
and poured
يا خايب
You're such a looser
يوم عن حالي
just for once
ask about how I'm doing
ولك اسأل
ولك سل
It withered
ولك سال
They poured
تركتني وما تدري شصار بي

you left me
you have no idea
what happened to me
يا محمد بويه محمد
Mohammad, my precious Mohammad
قتلي ليش تتعمد
Why do you intentionally kill me

يا محمد خاف من الله
Fear God
يا محمد مو فوق الله
يا محمد مو هذا الله
That's not the way to go, Mohammad
عيوني محمد
You are my eyes, Mohammad
قليبي محمد
You are my little heart, Mohammad

يا محمد شنهو ذنبي
Oh, Mohammad
What guilt have i committed
بين عداي وترميني
that made you throw me
among my enemies
لو تدري النار اللي بقلبي تكويني وتاذيني
If you only knew
about the fire that's in my heart
that is burning me
and hurting me
عيوني محمد
You're my eyes , Mohammad
قليبي محمد
You're my heart, Mohammad
يا محمد يا نور العين
Mohammad, you are the light of my eyes
ياللي سبيت الصوبين
you have driven everyone crazy
both sides
دجلة وفرات النهرين
the two rivers
Euphrates and Dijlah

بويا محمد
My precious Mohammad
عمي محمد
My Darling Mohammad
this part down here is part of the song but not in this version
يللي اغلى من روحي
You are the one who is more dear to me
than my own soul

ليش تزيدني تعذيب
why are you
torturing me
more and more
حبك مرهم لجروحي
your love is an ointment
for my wounds
وجروحي برضاك تطيب
and my wounds
when you are ok with me

عيوني محمد
You are my eyes, Mohammad
قليبي محمد
You are my little heart , Mohammad
يا محمد بويه محمد
Mohammad, My baby Mohammad
. قتلي ليش تتعمد
Why do you deliberately kill me
يا محمد خاف من الله
Mohammad, fear God
يا محمد مو هذا الله
That's not the right way
عيوني محمد
You are my eyes, Mohammad

Hello world!!

'Hello world' ..
Our first computer programs... always have 'hello world' in them
this is not my first blog.. or the second..
why do i have many blogs? because i am a multi-layered person. my needs to express my layers can contradict, so i sometimes need to be several people, several blogs, in order to really express myself. It is never enough though. I can't even express myself fully between me and myself. my mind cant keep up with my feelings, my talent cant keep up with my vision , my poetry cant keep up with my passion, my mind suppresses my dreams, my conditioning oppresses my talent. It's a big mess.. what can I say..
still i write..

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

بيع الجمل يا علي sell the camel, Ali : Samira Twfiq- The Gypsy from Jordan

قلبي افطر نصين
My heart was broken into two halves
هون وهون
here and here
وشلون يا ويلي اداري
and oh dear how can i  hide it?

لون الفرح يا ناس
The color of happiness , Oh people,
مادري بيه
I dont know it,
ولونك يا غربة
and your colors, daispora,
الف لون ولون
are one and a thousand colors

بيع الجمل يا علي
sell the camel, Ali
واشتري مهر الي
and buy my dowry
كرمي لوح واستوى
my vine is swaying and has ripened
والعنب طاب وحلي
and the grapes are good and sweet
بيع  الجمل يا علي
sell the camel, Ali

يا علي بيع الجمال
Ali, sell the camels
قبل مايضيع الجمال
before the beauty is lost
واهدي بويا ذهب ومال
and gift my father gold and money
واشتريني يا علي
and buy me , Ali

ياعلي بويا طميع
Oh, Ali, My dad is gready,
شو عندك يا حبيبي بيع
whatever you have my beloved, sell it,
لو تتأخر انا رح ضيع
if you are late I will be lost
لا تضيعني يا علي
dont lose me , Oh Ali ..

انا وانت بيكفينا
me and you will be satisfied
بيت زغير يدفينا
with a small home that warms us
ويطعمينا ويسقينا
and God of the heavens
رب السما يا علي
will feed us and provide for us

Monday, September 28, 2009

Jordanian Folklore - Oh my stubborn dad :) يا عنيد يا يابا

 They went down to the garden نزلن على البستان
 Oh my stubborn dad  يا عنيد يا يابا
and they died their hair with henna وحنن شعرهن
All girls are stars كل البنات نجوم
 Oh my stubborn dad  يا عنيد يا يابا
  and mom , she is their moon!  يمه وهية قمرهن

 (she is ) My eye and the water of my eye  عيني ومي عيني
 Oh my stubborn dad  يا عنيد يا يابا
She 's worth my family and all my relatives تسوى هلي وكل القرابا
 Oh my stubborn dad  يا عنيد يا يابا

I will sit alone in the end of the night لاقعد بتالي الليل
 Oh my stubborn dad  يا عنيد يا يابا
And I swear I'll remember my lover والله واذكر وليفي

 And using the excuse that I had a bad dream وبحجة الحلمان
 Oh my stubborn dad  يا عنيد يا يابا
Oh mom , I can cry as much as I want to يمه لابكي عكيفي

 (she is ) My eye and the water of my eye  عيني ومي عيني
 Oh my stubborn dad  يا عنيد يا يابا
She 's worth my family and all my relatives تسوى هلي وكل القرابا
 Oh my stubborn dad  يا عنيد يا يابا

An old man from the land of Miknas شويخ من ارض مكناس - خالد الشيخ

What do I owe my friend  ايش عليا يا صاحب
   to all creatures? من جميع الخلايق

   Do good and you'll be saved... افعل الخير تنجو
  And follow people of the truth... واتبع اهل الحقايق

 Dont say my son a word... لاتقل يا بني كلمة
Unless you are being honest... الا ان كنت صادق
 Take my words and in a paper... خذ كلامي في قرطاس
 write them as a treasure from me... واكتبه حرز عني
 what do I owe people... ويش عليا انا من الناس
and what do people owe me... ويش على الناس مني

a little old man from the land of Miknas شويخ من ارض مكناس
in the middle of the markets sings وسط الاسواق يغني
I dont owe people anything  ايش عليا انا من الناس
 and they owe me nothing at all    وايش على الناس مني

Saturday, September 26, 2009

For you to be you and for me to be me

Allow me to feel my pain
Allow me to connect with it
don't dismiss me
give me room to breathe
I need to let it all out
it is poisoning my system
the years of oppression and neglect are getting to me
I need a safe place
give me your unconditional love so that I can give you mine
feel my pain so that I can feel yours
my pain is a big part of who i am
I dont want to feel embarrassed of my pain
I am allowed to feel it !

You say : move on, move on...
how can I?
I will I know - one day maybe, when I am safe
when i am heard

Marginalized - do you know how painful that is ?
feer hurts!
I want to be exposed to you
with all my pain and brilliance
my genuis and depression

I dont want to be embarrassed because of my oppression
"it is not an issue" , you say. My life is way better that many others -
But you know, it is MINE, my pain is mine- I am the one who feels it.
My pain needs love
be gentle with my pain
my darkness needs the light of understanding

Dont dismiss me
can you accept me the way i am? with my beauty and baggage?
do you see my beauty at all?
I tell the ocean about my pain - the trees hear me

God hears me
I crave the unity of the soul , a community of the heart
communion with God through you and him and her
help me drop my defenses
help me get rid of my identities - I want to be whole when with you
how can i if i am not whole within myself?

help me break free from the grinding wheel - acknowledge my courage - my struggle
embrace my schizophrenia
my madness is part of me
my madness IS me

take me as a whole
Allow me to be me so that I can cease to be me
What I feel is real even if it doesnt make sense to you
Do you know how it feels to be jailed? stripped of your freedom?
do you know how it feels to be a woman? an arab? a palestinian? an artist?
do you want to know? do you care to know?
Does anyone care to know?

Why would they, depressing lamentation ...
minority colonialism feminism ...
identity stuff boring depressing activist blabla..
why would you care ? you were born up there
on the top of the hill

but if you want to be you
i need to be me
there is no you without a me
and only when you stop being you
is when I become me
and only then
is when I stop being me
only then
you can be you
and i can be me
do you see ?
what I'm trying to say ?
Yes or Nay?
Knock knock..
anyone there
or just an empty headskin

let's both seize to be
you and me
and only be
a one:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What's on my twitter mind