GeekyArtistWoman - Lubzi

The juice of my heart

I call myself LubziI am from Palestine. I live there too
I am a blend of cultures, a salad of sounds, colors & words. I like to create. I love learning. I aspire to inspire. seek freedom, harmony, peace and justice. I like to be a bridge between hearts and mindsbetween people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Here you'll find my theatre sound designs, audio art pieces, some of my writings and sketches & all kinds of crazy mixes and audio experiments that I do.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Stories of stories.. and the stories about them

Editing my book turned out to be its own story. So far, 5 people offered to do it, one changed his mind about doing it for free, the other 4 volunteered to do it totally free, for the sake of justice and human rights, they said.  1 dragged her feet and didn't have the energy/ time anymore. One overestimated her ability to do the job.  The other 3  started but then 'it didn't work out'. I don't think any of them were that serious for real to start with, not as serious as they thought they were. Many people don't know themselves. These volunteers were Jewish and White / European . Interestingly , None of them were of Arab or Palestinian origin. I did approach some north American Arabs but most of them were too busy to even answer, let alone help, شيوخ ماشالله  . in addition, most thought i was asking for too much! that only means they think it is too much to give to the Palestinian cause. None of them helped so far. The most I got was: Mabrouk. not that much mabrouk if i cant get the book out to the world, is it? I am talking about activists from a class I once belonged to (on the margin, around the lower edges) .
Many of those I approached, volunteered more opinions than actions.   'You can't ask someone to do something for free!?' many of them said. Of course I can! because I did it myself. I still do. I give my time and heart and volunteer for human rights till i am blue in the face without expecting a thank you. A I am sure I am not the only one like this in this world. A world that is full of loving gentle compassionate human beings. Many of which have raised about their petty little egos and developed the capacity to CARE beyond their family and tribe and worked out their identity issues and are ready to be humans, to see other humans. to jump through compassion into their humanity.

The stories involved in my "editor quest" are worth telling. stories of indifference, denial, guilt... Stories of racism, entitlement, and sexism, stories of ignorance and white privilege. stories of Zionism and Jewish identity issues, Arab identity issues, Palestinian identity issues, immigrant identity issues, all kinds of identity issues. even white identity issues.
so called activists enjoying and even making a living off of causes that others live and fight for and die for. Some claim to defend & try to represent those they indirectly participate in crushing. Self proclaimed justice activists who are too busy enjoying their middle class privileges to have a dialogue with the underprivileged that they claim to be fighting with/for... all kinds of discoveries; in a nutshell, stories of power dynamics . a lot of juicy stories.
Even though pro palestinians , anti zionists, pro justice, feminists, human rights activists , social justice activists etc...  are all over the place wherever i look,
Yet  West Bank stories book is still unedited, unpublished, unread. Like an unborn baby. Once again I'm looking for an editor.
new stories are being written. stories of a book that is not born to a person with privilege or power so it stays unborn, unread, unheard. A book of a unique voice about a unique time and place. Stories that ache to be heard, but cant find worthy allies to help them see the sun.

Not yet. 

Happy new year, by the way.

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