GeekyArtistWoman - Lubzi

The juice of my heart

I call myself LubziI am from Palestine. I live there too
I am a blend of cultures, a salad of sounds, colors & words. I like to create. I love learning. I aspire to inspire. seek freedom, harmony, peace and justice. I like to be a bridge between hearts and mindsbetween people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Here you'll find my theatre sound designs, audio art pieces, some of my writings and sketches & all kinds of crazy mixes and audio experiments that I do.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Gap

I use too many words,
you use too little..
I'm brown you're white
I'm female your male
I'm down here
you're up there
I suffer unlove and lack,
you enjoy popularity and abundance,
you're famous.
I'm forgotten,
My body and heart
are heavy with pain,
you play music.
I'm from one planet
and you're from another
No wonder why
we can't have a dialogue.
The distance .. The gap..
This is logical.
It is logical that any conversation between us
is doomed to fail.
Power differential
is not something that should be ignored
It is not something that can be ignored
It affects everything.
it sets the tone.
It decides priorities.
It decides protocol and process
and topics of interest
and just about everything.
As long as a power gap exists,
You will not hear me
And I will not respect you
so please
don't talk about justice
just shut up
enjoy your privilege
and shut up

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