GeekyArtistWoman - Lubzi

The juice of my heart

I call myself LubziI am from Palestine. I live there too
I am a blend of cultures, a salad of sounds, colors & words. I like to create. I love learning. I aspire to inspire. seek freedom, harmony, peace and justice. I like to be a bridge between hearts and mindsbetween people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Here you'll find my theatre sound designs, audio art pieces, some of my writings and sketches & all kinds of crazy mixes and audio experiments that I do.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What is relevant?

Freedom is relevant
Justice is relevant
Healing & peace are relevant
Mindfulness & compassion are relevant
Truth is relevant
Palestine and music
Childhood and dance
Poetry and building bridges
These are what's relevant
Not our little popcorn egos...


I wrote you letters
But I didn't send them
Because I am irrelevant
You are irrelevant
It's all irrelevant

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Halfass compassion

Seriously, I don't need your halfass compassion. We don't need your halfass compassion. You don't want to seem biased, you don't want to take sides. By doing that you are already taking sides. It means you don't care to know the story, who is the criminal and who is the victim. You don't believe Arabs anyway. You think we are bullshitters. Zionists are the biggest bullshitters, but you don't have any problem listening to their stories, even believing they are god's chosen ones.
I don't want to hear your halfass compassion talk, where you equate the criminal with the victim of the crime. You wish for them 'to stop' and work things out. As if they are equal or as if this is a war. I won't explain because I know you don't want to hear. Why would you? Some brown people in a far away place, you're used to that. Our brown lives are cheap to you.
You think you don't have a responsibility in the injustice? Think again. But if you we're smart enough you would know how things are interconnected and will be able to compute your karma accurately. And will be diligently cleaning it. But you are not smart. Your brain is maybe smart but your heart is not. You are racist. I am your friend yet it doesn't matter what I tell you about this just cause, my just cause. Something I was born into and grew up into. Military occupation. Zionist crimes...
I know you for many many years, why don't you want to hear my story? Why don't you want to believe my story? Because you are a racist. My story for you is worthless, irrelevant, not worth hearing.
Keep your halfass compassion to yourself. Don't poison me with your white virtue. I know you inside out, you know why? Because unlike you, I am curious, I care for you as a human, I want to hear your story. But you, you only know you, the rest is all bullshit you buy from your mind handlers, your brain programmers.
I suggest you take your halfass compassion and shove it. No need for fake goodness.
I do feel sorry for you. Honestly.
I wish you'd wake up & heal.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A bridge

I am a bridge builder
I am a bridge;
A bridge
Between the past and the present
Between the east and west
Between cultures
Between female and male
Between those fighting
Between spirit and material reality.
I want to connect everyone and everything.
Every time and every place.
Every culture and every mind.
Every heart and every soul.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Time is Now

She couldn't handle the situation, she needed help. I flew to where she was and helped her. 

She was going through her mother's stuff, her dead mother. She didnt have a good relationship with her mother, just like the relationship she had with her daughter; bad. Three generations of dysfunctionality.

By the time I arrived, she was already drained. unable to do much. I felt sorry for her. She was sad. I helped. I gave her all my energy and attention. I cleaned and cleared and packed. I felt her mother's spirit right there with me as I put away her clothes and perfumes and makeup ... and washed her dishes. I cleared and cleaned her cupboards and closets. All the stuff she never used, she didn't have the chance to use. Stuff she thought she would use for sure. I was clearing her traces from this world, tearing down what was left. I had very intense feelings. I didn't know the dead mother but I felt very close to her. There was a picture of the 3 of them, my friend, her daughter and her mother. The picture got stuck in my mind. The 3 of them are extremely beautiful. They were gorgeous. No wonder why they had a history in showbiz and Hollywood. They also were supreme divas.

Yesterday, I found a piece of paper that I kept it all these years, the only material reminder of this event. It was among the dead mother's stuff. She kept it carefully in a special place. It seems she had it for a while, the paper was almost yellow. It was cut out from a newspaper. Here is what it says:

The Time is Now (Author unknown)

If you are ever going to love me,
Love me now, while I can know
The sweet and tender feelings
Which from true affections flow.
Love me now.
Do not wait until I'm gone
And then have it
Chiseled in marble,
Sweet words on ice cold stone.
If you have tender thoughts of me
Please tell me now.
If you wait until I am sleeping
Never to awaken,
There will be death between us
And I won't hear you then.
So, if you love me, even a little bit,
Let me know it while I am living
So I can treasure it.

الفلم the bardo

نعم .. الحياة فلم... فلم فقلب فلم في قلب فلم
متل الملفوفة... غريب اسمها ملفوفة قبل ما تنلف
the bardo of samsara
the bardo is a transition 
between realms
between samsara and rebirthh
the 7 levels of existence are all bardos
the lower : cold hell... hot hell... hungry ghost... animal realm, 
the higher : human realm, angry gods and jealous gods 
human is the best rebirth because it's the only one that gives an opportunity of liberation 
from samsara.
but in the one lifetime I am aware of
this one , 
I experienced all the 7 realms ,
I jumped from bardo to another, I still do, 
sometimes I am a hungry ghost, unable to fill the void inside
sometimes I am in the cold hell of  unlove,
sometimes I am in the hot hell of anger
sometimes I am a mindless animal
sometimes, I am a mindful human
I've been in the realms of the gods , 
i struggle with the lower realms
i keep falling there but manage to drag myself out
i hope i can always bring myself back to being human   
with ease and joy 

i also experienced death and rebirth in this lifetime, in this body,
this body isnt the same as the one i came in
my voice isnt the same
my size is much bigger
the difference is big
is that food?
or is that me?
who is me?

i watched myself die many many times in this life
jumped from one life to another
like there's no tomorrow
because if there is no tomorrow
we'd do the wildest things
what is the wildest thing?

so the heartache bardo 
when will that movie finish?
it is not the most pleasant
but maybe  because i wish to stay in the human realm
i get this heart training
i have a lot to learn about love and compassion
If I want to stay human
because "human" means compassion
and love is the answer

bla bla bla .....

بس في النهاية
السؤال اللي بيطرح نفسه
 ايمتي رح يتوقف الالم؟
هل رح يتوقف الالم؟
شو لزومه؟

you cant live all your lives at the same time, one has to go to make room for another
you wont get reborn if you don't die first
enough suffering already

it's a shame

how can those who were so close
become so far?
how can that which was very hot
cool off
how can a life disappear?
how can love disappear?
how can the whole thing end
as if nothing ever happened?