نعم .. الحياة فلم... فلم فقلب فلم في قلب فلم
متل الملفوفة... غريب اسمها ملفوفة قبل ما تنلف
the bardo of samsara
the bardo is a transition
between realms
between samsara and rebirthh
the 7 levels of existence are all bardos
the lower : cold hell... hot hell... hungry ghost... animal realm,
the higher : human realm, angry gods and jealous gods
human is the best rebirth because it's the only one that gives an opportunity of liberation
from samsara.
but in the one lifetime I am aware of
this one ,
I experienced all the 7 realms ,
I jumped from bardo to another, I still do,
I jumped from bardo to another, I still do,
sometimes I am a hungry ghost, unable to fill the void inside
sometimes I am in the cold hell of unlove,
sometimes I am in the hot hell of anger
sometimes I am in the hot hell of anger
sometimes I am a mindless animal
sometimes, I am a mindful human
I've been in the realms of the gods ,
i struggle with the lower realms
i keep falling there but manage to drag myself out
i hope i can always bring myself back to being human
with ease and joy
i also experienced death and rebirth in this lifetime, in this body,
this body isnt the same as the one i came in
my voice isnt the same
my size is much bigger
the difference is big
the difference is big
is that food?
or is that me?
who is me?
i watched myself die many many times in this life
jumped from one life to another
like there's no tomorrow
because if there is no tomorrow
we'd do the wildest things
what is the wildest thing?
so the heartache bardo
when will that movie finish?
it is not the most pleasant
but maybe because i wish to stay in the human realm
i get this heart training
i have a lot to learn about love and compassion
If I want to stay human
because "human" means compassion
and love is the answer
bla bla bla .....
بس في النهاية
السؤال اللي بيطرح نفسه
ايمتي رح يتوقف الالم؟
هل رح يتوقف الالم؟
بس في النهاية
السؤال اللي بيطرح نفسه
ايمتي رح يتوقف الالم؟
هل رح يتوقف الالم؟
شو لزومه؟
you cant live all your lives at the same time, one has to go to make room for another
you wont get reborn if you don't die first
enough suffering already
you cant live all your lives at the same time, one has to go to make room for another
you wont get reborn if you don't die first
enough suffering already
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