GeekyArtistWoman - Lubzi

The juice of my heart

I call myself LubziI am from Palestine. I live there too
I am a blend of cultures, a salad of sounds, colors & words. I like to create. I love learning. I aspire to inspire. seek freedom, harmony, peace and justice. I like to be a bridge between hearts and mindsbetween people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Here you'll find my theatre sound designs, audio art pieces, some of my writings and sketches & all kinds of crazy mixes and audio experiments that I do.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Does feminism matter?

 Does feminism matter? Of course it does. Is feminism relevant these days? How can it not be? As long as there are women and inequality feminism is relevant. 

There is no global female solidarity. Women are struggling to survive and protect themselves and their children from patriarchy and its lethal wars and mad power games. 

More violations are committed. I never imagined violations such as marrying a child would now have advocates and people demanding them as if they're normal. I never imagined such rudeness. In the meantime, where are the feminists? Who is protecting these girls? Patriarchal dictatorships are becoming the norm. 

Where are the women who went to university with me? How did they contribute to the cause of women rights and equality? 

Is the problem with the word: feminism? Because it was targeted by big media to make it look wrong and ugly. Those who can't see beyond words might as well close their eyes. Those stuck on words can't be too wise. 

Those who have a problem with the word: feminism , usually have also problems with females in general. 

Self hating females who believe they are inferior hate the word: feminism. Insecure and sexist men also hate the word. They don't hate the word itself, they hate people behind it, they hate its potential, they hate its vision. They don't believe in equality, they don't want it. 

Nov 27,2012 

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